16 responses

  1. Jenny
    April 6, 2019

    Hello. I have a standard room booked but really want to be in Samoa. I’ve read that is a pool view….any idea if I have a chance to get in Samoa without a upgrade to pool? Thanks for the advice!


    • Dave
      April 7, 2019

      Jenny, it is possible, if all the standard view rooms are booked–ask when you check in.


  2. Lara
    July 24, 2014

    Dave, can you please just tell me what we should request at our WDW hotels as I am swamped trying to sort out the FP+ rides at the moment and not sure I can bear researching anymore things right now!
    At Wilderness Lodge (we have courtyard view rooms even though no pool sadly – have asked our agent to now change these to Woods view but have not heard back on this for a week now so assuming courtyard view it is)
    Animal Kingdom Lodge (we have savannah view rooms).
    Thanks so much Dave!!!!!


    • Dave
      July 24, 2014

      WL: high floor, near elevator.
      AKL: third or fourth floor room, near lobby


  3. Lara
    July 24, 2014

    Oh no, not another thing I have to do on the 60 day mark!! If I can do this also at midnight, do I give priority to getting my FP+ selections first or to doing online check-in?
    What does online check in give me that is special – better room because I get in early to request it? And you say also to ring them too do I also do that at what time? I completely missed this important piece of information – help!!


    • Dave
      July 24, 2014

      Lara–from one of your other comments–if you have a travel agent, they can do this for you. The heart of online check in is that you can get your requests in early, and that when you arrive, check-in is faster.


  4. Lara
    July 23, 2014

    Hi Dave
    Thanks for answering my questions yesterday – you are wonderful!
    Hey just wondering what you mean by using the on-line form by the 60 day mark for requesting where your room is? I missed this point before and would love to know how to do it??


    • Dave
      July 23, 2014

      Lara, once you 60 day window hits, you can do online check-in via My Disney Experience.


  5. Bill
    July 22, 2014

    In the Tuvalu, the sliding glass doors on the 2nd floor – which were designed so that the left panel or the right panel could be slid into the fixed center panel area – have been retrofitted with screws to prevent the rightmost panel from opening. Not a major problem, but given that the 2nd floor has no balcony it means if you are planning on sliding open one of those panel to watch the fireworks over the lagoon without glass in the way, it will have to be the leftmost panel (inconveniently by the couch) rather than the rightmost panel (by the bed). The Tuvali remains one of the better choices for watching the fireworks from one’s room, though. Yes, it is possible to remove the screws (there’s only two, one at top and one at bottom), but, I’d hate to have to pay for a new sliding glass panel if it fell off somehow, so best to leave it alone.


    • Dave
      July 22, 2014

      Bill, thanks so much! The temptation hinted at in your last sentence indicates once again why us men can’t be let out alone…


  6. Robbie
    June 28, 2014

    I am planning a Disney trip to stay at the Poly. Do you think most renovations will be complete by mid June?


    • Dave
      June 29, 2014

      Robbie, yes, they should be largely complete by the end of March 2015. Schedules could slip, but not into June.


  7. Kristen
    January 22, 2014

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows if the beach closures at the Polynesian right now are preventing fireworks viewing at all? We are hoping to stay there at the end of Feb/ beginning of March but would reconsider if you lose the fireworks viewing advantage. Thanks so much!!


    • Dave
      January 23, 2014

      Kristen, the beach by the pool is still open!


  8. Mike
    June 24, 2013

    Have you ever used the online check-in room request function. Seems less flexible then the standard room request taken by phone, when you can sa something like “as close to Great House as possible or near the TTC”, but conversely I have been frustrated with CMs or the “Disney computer system” constantly messing up or “losing” my room requests when I check back later. What do you recommend for room requests?


    • Dave
      June 24, 2013

      Mike, I’ve been using the on-line form at the 60 day mark religiously this year. I find it MUCH better than the old online form, but still not so flexible as the phone. My advice is to do both!


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