By the co-author of The easy Guide to Your Walt Disney World Visit 2020, the best-reviewed Disney World guidebook series ever.

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Category — a. When to Go to Walt Disney World

Katia and Walt Disney World

I’ve been getting a lot of questions and comments about the potential impact of Hurricane Katia on Walt Disney World.

As I update this Tuesday morning 9/6, long range forecasts for Katia don’t predict an impact on Florida.  They show Katia curving away from the US coast and remaining out to sea.

But that may change. has an overview of Katia here, and the Orlando Sentinel has one here.

Other good links from the Orlando Sentinel:

For more on hurricanes at Walt Disney World, see this, and for some basic precautions see the lower part of my tornado page here.

August 31, 2011   No Comments

Taking Your Little Angels (or Devils) out of School and to Walt Disney World


Magical Blogorail Teal is writing this month about Education and Walt Disney World.

Welcome to those of you joining me from The World of Deej and those of you who have just hopped aboard. I am the 4th stop on our Magical Blogorail.

When the Magical Blogorail Teal gang started talking about education and Walt Disney World, my first thought was why not have kids spend nine months of the year at Disney World and only the summers in school?

Yes, this is kinda nuts, but there’s a point buried in it: a week at Disney World, when viewed in the long run, can be a lot more educational than a week in school.

The aim of education is not to accumulate classroom hours.

Rather–at least to me–the aim of education is to help develop a free person prepared to pursue happiness.

Classroom skills are critical to this—especially reading, writing and math.   And a week out of school can hurt older kids with these unless you are careful to work with your teachers to make sure your kid keeps up (more on this later).

But there’s other dimensions to the aim as well.  Enabling a free person to pursue happiness requires not just skills but also values and substantive knowledge, all aimed toward a life of autonomy, mastery, and purposefulness.

A key way to get from here to there is to help kids become fascinated by topics which will help them develop in these dimensions.  This is because fascination is the most powerful motivational force we have.

And there’s lots of opportunities to develop and build fascination at Walt Disney World.

Since this site’s recommended weeks are all during the typical school year (because that’s when prices and crowds are lower) most families will need to take their kids out of school to take advantage of them.

Is that a bad thing?  Absolutely not, given the educational promise of Disney World.


Younger kids may simply enjoy Walt Disney Word purely in its direct presentation, and have as their educational experience what they learn about family life.

Older kids, in contrast, may find all kinds of things to be fascinated by besides the direct experience.

They can enjoy Disney World both in their direct experience of it and as a human-made artifact.

Almost any element of a liberal education can be tied to something about the presentation, design, management, history, or details of Walt Disney World.

Epcot and the Animal Kingdom present directly many potential topics of fascination—from marine biology to animal biology to conservation to car design to high-speed rail to why France and Morocco are different but related.

The Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios don’t stick such possibilities so directly front and center…but there’s still tons of things at them that can fascinate.

At these two parks in particular the opportunity is to understand the range of human capability by investigating the parks as designed and managed objects.

The basic questions that can help you get your kids there are “why?” and “how?”

To give just some “why” examples…

  • Why are there names in the windows on Main Street?
  • Why do some rides have FASTPASSES and others not?
  • Why are some rides filled and others half-empty?
  • Why are cast members so much more friendly and helpful than most other employees your kids may interact with?
  • Why are some fireworks shows not on every night?
  • Why is Disney World in Florida and not in our home town?
  • Why is that building/structure designed to look the way it does?
  • And that one?
  • Why does the street look the way it does?
  • etc., etc.

Walt Disney World is the sum of a set of human choices, insights, and actions, some long ago, and some constructed in the moment in front of you.

Anything you see there represents the totality of these choices, insights and actions  as manifested in this moment, and the “whys” and “hows” of all of them are open to fascination.


Some teachers may have no expectations about work to make up for the missed days and not get behind the class, but most will, and the older your kids are, the more important this work will be.

Involve your kids in preparing for the time away from school, but take responsibility for it yourself.  If there’s work to be made up, your kids should do as much as possible before you leave.  While my itineraries have time off in them, schoolwork is not how you want to spend it.

While different teachers may have different preferences for how they handle kids away from class, the absolutely wrong answer is to expect them to do everything to prepare your kids for being away.

Instead, make it your key priority to help them out.  Find out how they like to handle make-up work, and then work with your kids to respond to these preferences.

For example,  put together a typical calendar for class—what subjects are covered what days, what typical homework assignments are given, what known tests are coming and when papers and projects are due, so that all the teacher has to do is mark it up.

Teachers–I particularly welcome your comments on how families can help with managing time out of school.  I’ve taught, but only at the university level, and my challenges there (hangovers) were different. Use the comment form below!


The final step is to prepare yourself.

Your goal is to enable fascination by learning a little more about some ‘hows” and “whys” so that you can engage with your kids as topics come up.

The easiest way to do so is advance reading in Disney websites or guidebooks that focus on not only “what” but also why and how.  This site fits, as do a number of its recommended books and recommended websites.


Thank you for joining me today. Your next stop on the Magical Blogorail is The Disney FAITHful.

Here is the map of our Magical Blogorail loop should you happen to have to make a stop along the way and want to reboard:

August 23, 2011   2 Comments

Irene and Walt Disney World

I’ve been getting a lot of questions and comments about the potential impact of Hurricane Irene on Walt Disney World.

As I update this Thursday morning, it looks like Irene will cause little to no trouble at Walt Disney World. has an overview of Irene here and an Irene threat level map here.

Over this week, as the projected track has moved further east, the threat level for Orlando has moved from “medium,” to “low” to none.  The current expectation is for possible rain and wind gusts Friday morning.

Check the links above or below for up to date forecasts.

The local paper, the Orlando Sentinel, also has good info.

Storms like this are usually not a severe issue for Walt Disney World.

Even if they pass right over Disney World, their journey over land to Orlando dissipates their energy and makes them more like a really bad thunderstorm than like what most people visualize as a hurricane.

But things change, so stay up to date with the links, especially with the Irene threat level map and its cone of uncertainty.

For more on hurricanes at Walt Disney World, see this, and for some basic precautions see the lower part of my tornado page here.

August 22, 2011   No Comments

March 2012 at Walt Disney World

March   April   May   June   July   August    September   October

Spring Break 2012      Easter 2012


This page reviews March 2012 Walt Disney World crowds, prices, deals and discounts, weather, operating hours, adds a few other notes, and ends with week by week summaries.


August 17, 2011   No Comments

Picking the Best Weeks of 2012 to Visit Walt Disney World

The 2012 Disney World Week Picker is out!

It’s designed to be an alternative way of picking your time to visit Disney World instead of using this site’s 2012 Weeks to Visit, Ranked in Order.

It lets you decide for yourself the importance to you of crowds, prices, and weather, and, based on your choices, offers you the best weeks of 2012 that meet your criteria!

The 2011 version has already helped visitors to Disney World pick their weeks with more than 130,000 hits–so give the 2012 Disney World Week Picker a try–it may be a huge help to you!


August 14, 2011   No Comments

How the 2012 Walt Disney World Week Rankings Changed

I introduced updates to my ranking of the weeks of 2012 at Walt Disney World a few weeks ago, and promised I’d get back with a little more detail on what changed and why. Here it is.


47 weeks had their rankings change.

Changes came from analysis of final school calendars and resulting changes to the 2012 Disney World crowd calendar, and from analysis of final 2012 prices.

They also came from some new policies to make the rankings even more helpful.

While only 6 weeks had no change, of the rest, 36 weeks changed their rankings only +/- 3 weeks, and only two weeks had a ranking change of more than 10 weeks.


Here’s the new policies built into the revised 2012 week ranking:

Have no recommended weeks that aren’t low crowd weeks.

This moved the week beginning 12/15 out of the list of recommended weeks entirely, and the 14 week change in ratings was the biggest of all changes.

For those who picked it based on its old rating, I haven’t changed my view of the week–low crowds and prices at the beginning, high at its end, and moderate levels on average.

It’s still a sound week to go, but with the change to no moderate crowd weeks on the recommended list, its ranking has to drop a lot.

Make sharper distinctions on summer crowds, which moved some late May and early June weeks well up in the rankings—these were the next biggest ranking changes.

Pay more attention within groups of like weeks to ranking lower-priced weeks ahead of higher priced ones. This moved the recommended fall weeks ahead of the recommended spring weeks, and caused minor shifts in a number of other weeks.

Pay more attention to the fact that Pop Warner week is typically excluded from deals and discounts.

Carl (“Dad”) at Dad’s Guide to WDW has been advocating that I do this for years.

I had some reasons for not doing so, resolved by moving from one suggested week in my home page and When to Go points of view to three suggested weeks.

This shift resolved my reasons for disagreeing with Carl, who really does know WDW. It also led to a new number one ranked week for 2012! Thanks, Dad!

The 2012 week rankings begin here–or you can just click the image.


August 7, 2011   No Comments