3 responses

  1. KE
    February 27, 2016

    I did the 24 hour day last year with a dear friend and it was an AWESOME experience that I will never forget. We arrived on property @ 5 am and stayed until 6:30ish the next morning. A full 24 hours in my happy place!
    You may not be able to change your birthday legally, but Disney does let you celebrate 6 months before and 6 months after, which I have taken advantage of many times! 😉


  2. KE
    February 25, 2016

    I was SO hoping to be there over the leap day weekend for my first actual birthday in the parks…but no 24 hour event…:( Only 109 more days until I get back to the “world”…I can make it…:)


    • Dave
      February 26, 2016

      Nope. Wonder if they’ll do it again the Friday before Memorial Day?? BTW I find it odd that one can legally change ones name but not change one’s birthday…


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