4 responses

  1. Jane
    May 13, 2019

    Hi Dave, I see that I wrote to you here back in January asking for advice about the Frozen ride. Now that it’s about 2 weeks until I have to do our ADRs it’s on my mind again b/c I’m wondering about whether to FP Frozen Ever After or Soarin, and it affect my ADR. Both are a high priority for me b/c I haven’t seen the new movie for Soarin or seen Frozen. I read through all that you wrote and also Josh’s site. Is it still true that Frozen is the preferred FP over Soarin? Or has interested in Frozen waned enough to warrant making Soarin the FP? I have the idea of an 8 am reservation at Garden Grill to help get us in place early for Soarin but expect that won’t really work out well for Black Friday when hours will probably be earlier anyway. I mostly want to go to GG for GG, so my daughter can see Chip N Dale….but my companions aren’t interested in GG so the only way to do it is a bkfst. I’m not interested in going early to the restaurant near the Frozen ride. I typically avoid long waits by FP everything or skipping, but in this case I’m willing to wait in line or try to show up extra early. Thank you for any advice. 🙂


    • Dave
      May 13, 2019

      Hi Jane, as it happens Josh and I are in the middle of creating an update for our book. In it, for our (really 99% his) Epcot one day touring plan, we recommend Frozen Ever After as the Tier 1 FastPass+, and seeing whichever of Soarin or Test track is your next priority at rope drop.

      I don’t think you will have much trouble first thing at Epcot on Black Friday. Locals aren’t much in the park that morning (they are shopping, sleeping in, or at HS) and many out-of-town visitors will have been in Epcot on Thanksgiving.


  2. Jane
    January 19, 2019

    Hi Dave, just finalized our plans for Nov ’19 (Thanksgiving week)! Our last visit was Nov ’15 so a lot has changed. I’m thinking that Frozen Ever After will be our toughest FP to get (as long as the Star Wars isn’t open yet….but we’re not really interested in Star Wars). Is that true? Is Frozen still a hard one to get? Most others we’ll want are for much older rides, like Space Mountain, Test Track etc. Thanks!


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