4 responses

  1. Lisa
    April 30, 2013

    I sure hope you are right about free dining! I am waiting to book my first trip to WDW to see if I can book with free dining. Between you and Dad, I hope you win this time! Sorry, Dad. I love your website anyway.


    • Dave
      May 1, 2013



  2. Caralee
    April 26, 2013

    Dave, do you happen to be an actuary or a meteorologist? Your answer to that question will greatly impact my decision as to whose prediction is more accurate. I’m kidding. You and Dad have the best WDW websites our there and I always refer people to them. Also, you may have said this and I overlooked it, but do you think Disney will be announcing the new promos around May 9 regardless if there is free dining or not?


    • Dave
      April 27, 2013

      Hi Caralee! I’m neither–I tell lies in an entirely different field! May 9 is the earliest I’d expect to see US resident deals–more likely a week or so after then…

      Follow yourfirstvisit.net on Facebook!


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