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Disney World Ticket Prices Expected to Go Up Soon

By Dave Shute

Disney World Ticket Prices To Go Up SoonMultiple sources are reporting that Disney World ticket prices will be going up shortly.

Disney commonly gives a heads up to travel agents when such things are about to happen (so that they can quickly incorporate updated pricing etc.).

Widespread rumors like this usually mean that such a heads up has come out to them.

If you have not purchased your tickets yet, do so quickly to beat what has commonly been a 3-5% price increase. As Kelly notes below, there’s even a rumor of a 10% price increase…

(Buy them from within your My Disney Experience account, to make FastPass+ simpler; if you don’t have such an account, create one.)

For more on Disney World tickets, see this.

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1 Kelly B - Agent with Destinations in Florida { 01.26.15 at 6:39 pm }

I’m Kelly, the dedicated Destinations in Florida agent for Let’s get that Disney Vacation booked before the prices go up. Contact me today at 980-429-4499 or

2 Barbara { 01.26.15 at 10:42 pm }

if I reserve and don’t pay the full price, will the price go up or does that lock in the price? And if I lock in the price and they offer free dining at a later time would I get both, or would I have to give up one?

3 Dave { 01.27.15 at 7:39 am }

Barbara, once your deposit is paid, your price is locked in. If you later add free dining, that’s counted as a new reservation (even if your dates and hotel are the same) so you will then pay prices effective at that time.

4 Misty { 01.29.15 at 11:10 am }

Will this affect the room rates as well, or is this just a 3-5% increase in park ticket prices?

5 Dave { 01.30.15 at 4:45 pm }

Misty, as Kelly said just tix.

6 Kelly B - Agent with Destinations in Florida { 01.30.15 at 10:11 am }

Hi Misty,

Still no official word But the “rumored” price increase is currently just the park ticket prices. And this time around the rumor is the price increase could be as high as 10%.

7 Dave { 01.30.15 at 4:59 pm }

Wow Kelly…10%!!! I’m gonna edit the page to make note of that…

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