2 responses

  1. BostonEd
    October 4, 2021

    Thanks for this analysis. It doesn’t look like we’re going for Spring Break in 2022, as ours is the same week as Easter. I’m still hopeful I can go sometime in ’22, but given that my wife is adamantly against going in summer, it’s not looking good.

    Regarding the pass black out dates, “this weekend is also more widely blocked out in Disney World’s annual passes than President’s Day weekend is”. Do you think that was just an embarrassing gaff by Disney? Feb 14 “seems” like it should be President’s Day, but of course it is actually a week later.


    • Dave
      October 5, 2021

      Hey BostonEd, I can’t think of any reason that February block out weekend worked out the way it did. It certainly could be an error; Disney may be planning an unveiling that they have not announced (Guardians of the Galaxy??); or there may be an obvious reasons that I just haven’t found…


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