The easy Guide Now Available on Kindle!
By Dave Shute
The easy Guide to Your First Walt Disney World Visit is now available on Kindle!
Those with Kindles or any of its apps/readers know how convenient (and inexpensive, and quickly-delivered) Kindle books can be.
For example, getting our guidebook to Walt Disney World on a Kindle means that you can have it on your phone–and you can whip it out and check out our Epcot restaurant reviews while you are in Epcot!
Now, you can’t do everything with an e-book that you can with our paperback…you can’t scribble notes on it or dog-ear key pages.
You can’t get Elsa to sign it…
…you can’t watch with delight as Anna reads it aloud…
…and you can’t end up with one of these.
Because of that, for a limited time we will be giving away a Kindle version to everyone who buys–or has bought–a paperback version, as part of the Kindle Matchbook program.
As soon as I understand how the Matchbook program works lol, I’ll post about it! But in the meantime, for those of you who don’t want the paperback and have been waiting for the Kindle edition–have at it!
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Just got my free Kindle version by popping over to Amazon. Thank you for making this free with prior book purchase!
Yay, Tinazman!!
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