Walt Disney World has released its 2011 resort hotel prices, and you can now book packages with Walt Disney World (or a travel agent) through December 2011.
See 2011 price season at Walt Disney World for more.
(I was a little cocky in my initial post on this, and to aid humility have left my original material below…)
I got one date wrong in my forecast 2011 price seasons –I had the summer season beginning a week earlier than in fact it does.
I have fixed that, but continue to leave my 2011 price seasons page labeled “forecast” and “projected” as there are some oddities in December 2011 that I need to resolve first before shifting it from forecast to actual.
More to come on December 2011.
- For when to go to Walt Disney World, see this
- For the next best dates, see this
- For the best and worst times to visit, see this
- For 2010 weeks to visit, ranked in order, see this
- For the 2010 Week Picker App, see this
- For 2011 weeks to visit, ranked in order, see this
- For forecasting crowds at Walt Disney World, see this
- For seasonal pricing at Walt Disney World, see this
- For 2010 price seasons, see this
- For 2011 price seasons, see this
- For projected 2012 price seasons, see this
- For weather at Walt Disney World, see this