By the co-author of The easy Guide to Your Walt Disney World Visit 2020, the best-reviewed Disney World guidebook series ever.

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Major Changes to Disney World Summer Itinerary Coming Soon!

By Dave Shute


The San Angel Inn at Epcot Will Remain in the New Summer ItineraryWalt Disney World did its first release of it June 2014 operating calendar yesterday, and it revealed a different pattern of summer operations than has been the case the last few years.

As a result of these changes, my current integrated Summer Itinerary which I’ve offered for more than 5 years (with tweaks) won’t work as well as I’d like it too, and the issues are too big for tweaks. (For the current, won’t work, version, see this–but remember not to use it!)

So between now and the end of the month, I’ll be re-writing my summer itinerary.

My plan is to generate two summer itineraries:

  • one that uses FastPass+, and
  • a second one that relies solely on traditional Fastpass,

but with the same parks and restaurants on the same days and at the same time on each. By doing this, people will be able to do their dining reservations without having to know whether they will be using FastPass+ or traditional Fastpasses.

Lunch with Josh at the San Angel Inn from yourfirstvisit.netTo build these, I’ll be using both my own experience and thinking, and also the thoughts of Josh of (with his permission and collaboration–thanks, Josh!).


Josh’s site has become one of the most-copied Disney World sites on the web. (Mine is copied a bit, too…)  For what they are worth, here’s my thoughts for those extensively relying on the hard work of others:

  • Do your own work–don’t pass off other people’s work as your own, or create the impression you’ve had an experience–like stayed in a certain resort–that you haven’t
  • If what you publish relies on other peoples’ work, if it’s just a bit you’ve taken, give them credit and a link; if you are taking a lot, ask them for permission and how they’d like credit to be noted
  • Above all, don’t take other people’s work, derive new-looking material from it, pass it off as your own, and then turn it into an e-book that you charge for!

OK, sermon over…and yes, I am both sinned against and a sinner on this topic, especially on the middle point! But I promise to do better…

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1 Bonita { 11.19.13 at 3:12 pm }

Hi…I have been told that there is a discount for Military Veterans?..and I was wondering if that is true. My husband served during the Vietnam war in the Army. Also if he doesn’t want to go would I his wife be able to use the discount, as a Veteran’s spouse

Thank You

2 Dave { 11.19.13 at 4:54 pm }

Hi Bonita, the military discounts are largely only for career retired and active duty. There’s a bit of an offer at Shades of Green for veterans–I’ll ask my bud Steve to weigh in on that.

3 Steve From - Military Moderator { 11.19.13 at 5:10 pm }

Hi, Bonita,

Disney extends discounts only to those who have military base access (i.e. a military ID card) which rules your family out.

There is the discount Dave mentioned available for non-retired veterans which is from Shades of Green. It is only for the months of January and September and requires the member present a DD-214 in person.

There is no documentation for spouses of members in this status, so he’d have to go too.

Here is my post with details including how to get his DD-214 if he doesn’t have it:

Hope this helps,


4 Steve From - Military Moderator { 11.19.13 at 6:44 pm }

On another note Dave,

I’m reminded of one of my favorite Walt Disney quotes, “Well, I think by this time my staff, my young group of executives, and everything else, are convinced that Walt is right. That quality will out…” [partial]

Quality (doing the hard work) shows. Those who copy do so because they are unwilling to do the hard work, and in time that will show.

5 Anne { 11.20.13 at 1:47 am }

Hmmm, kind of like xxx trying to pass Josh’s work off as her own (something I’ve been noticing) – I really love both your site and Easy’s. Thank you for all of your hard work!!!

6 Dave { 11.20.13 at 7:46 am }

Folks, don’t put accusations here–Anne I deleted the name of the site you had put in.

The only site or person I will allow you to complain about by name here is mine!!!!

7 George { 11.21.13 at 2:44 pm }

Is it counter-productive to create a June plan using legacy FP? They’ll most certainly be gone by then, no?

Love your site, even though I’ve been to WDW many times. I just skip over the “first time” advice and enjoy your great attention to detail and accuracy. Keep up the good work!

Josh’s site is wonderful too. I’m a big fan of his (and a friend, too.)

8 Dave { 11.24.13 at 9:04 am }

Hey George, sorry I got so behind on the comments. Thanks for the kind words and I know what you mean about skipping the “first time” advice…a common approach 🙂

My suspicion is the same as yours about the futility of incorporating legacy FP for June, but by trying to design for both I don’t leave anyone in the lurch just in case it’s not gone for all visitors then…

9 Aaron { 11.21.13 at 10:55 pm }

If I had $8.95 for every time I considered plagiarism as a way to make money I still wouldn’t have enough money to pay for maps I can get for free.

10 Danny { 11.23.13 at 4:10 am }

Hi Dave, haven’t been here in a long time. So anyway I am looking forward to your new summer itineraries which I will follow in august this year. Just asking should I use FP+ or regular FP? whats your recommendation? Also could you tell me the link you got the different hours from of park openings I’d like to know that.

11 Dave { 11.24.13 at 9:34 am }

Danny, here’s the link:

It’s way to early to say which option will be better. You may not even have a choice…

12 Danny { 11.24.13 at 12:26 pm }

Hey Dave, thanks. Why might I not have a choice? Which one could I be stuck to FP+ or regular FP?

13 Dave { 11.24.13 at 3:38 pm }

Someday, I’d guess, the only choice will be FP+…

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My response to questions and comments will be on the same page as the original comment, likely within 24-36 hours . . . I reserve the right to edit and delete comments as I choose . . . All rights reserved. Copyright 2008-2024 . . . Unless otherwise noted, all photos are by me--even the ones in focus--except for half a dozen from my niecelets . . . This site is entirely unofficial and not authorized by any organizations written about in it . . . All references to Disney and other copyrighted characters, trademarks, marks, etc., are made solely for editorial purposes. The author makes no commercial claim to their use . . . Nobody's perfect, so follow any advice here at your own risk.