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2010 Week Picker App (beta)
2010 Spring break crowds (and prices!!) at Walt Disney World will hit a very high peak in the week beginning March 27th 2010, and be almost as high for most of the week beginning April 3, 2010.
Try your best to avoid Walt Disney World during these two weeks.
See this for more details on crowds, weather, and pricing during the 2010 Spring Break Season.
Below are the weeks of the Spring Break season, with comments on each. The “Week rankings” are from 2010 Weeks to Visit Walt Disney World, Ranked in Order. Higher numbers are worse.
2/13 Presidents Day week; prices up by 40-50% compared to lowest of year; very crowded 2/12-2/15; routine ride closures for rehab and maintenance (e.g. Splash Mountain closed though 2/27). Week ranking=52. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
2/20 Prices remain high; crowds drop to very low levels; weather starts becoming less variable; routine ride closures for rehab and maintenance (e.g. Splash Mountain closed though 2/27). Week ranking=51. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
2/27 Prices remain high; very low crowds; ride closure season over. Epcot Flower and Garden festival kicks off mid-week (runs throughout spring break period). Recommended week. Week ranking=6. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
3/6 Prices remain high, lower crowds. Peak of college (not k-12) spring break season. Recommended week. Week ranking=15. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
3/13 Prices remain high, moderate crowds. Some k-12 spring breakers. Near peak of college spring break season. Recommended week. Week ranking=16. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
3/20 Prices remain high, moderate crowds. Very close to being a recommended week. Week ranking=18. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
3/27 Easter at end of week. Prices remain high for deluxes, go up even more for moderates and values. Very high crowds. Peak of k-12 spring break. Week ranking=42. Use the Easter-Summer Itinerary
4/3 Easter at beginning of week. Prices remain high for deluxes, retain prior week’s increase at moderates and values. Very high crowds, but reduced—somewhat–towards end of week. Many, many k-12 spring breakers. Week ranking=41. Use the Easter-Summer Itinerary
4/10 Prices drop to 20-30% higher than value season. Crowds moderate. Very close to being a recommended week. Week ranking=17. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
4/17 Prices stay at 20-30% higher than value season. Crowds moderate. Best weather of the year. Some k-12 spring breakers. Recommended week. Week ranking=14. Use this itinerary
4/24 Prices stay at 20-30% higher than value season. Crowds low. Best weather of the year. Recommended week. Week ranking=10. Use this itinerary
May 1 Prices stay at 20-30% higher than value season. Crowds very low. Best weather of the year. Recommended week. Week ranking=5. Use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary
- For when to go to Walt Disney World, see this
- For the next best dates, see this
- For the best and worst times to visit, see this
- For 2010 weeks to visit, ranked in order, see this
- For the 2010 Week Picker App, see this
- For 2011 weeks to visit, ranked in order, see this
- For forecasting crowds at Walt Disney World, see this
- For seasonal pricing at Walt Disney World, see this
- For 2010 price seasons, see this
- For projected 2011 price seasons, see this
- For weather at Walt Disney World, see this