4 responses

  1. Debbie
    February 16, 2020


    Thank you so much for your input and tips! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and am definitely going to swap our EP and HS days. Considering my one son won’t even ride Mine Train EMM may not be for us after all lol. Thank you again!


    • Dave
      February 19, 2020
  2. Debbie
    February 14, 2020

    Hi Dave. We arrive mid-day on Wed. 7/8. I tentatively have us visiting MK Th, EP Fri, HS Sat and AK Sunday before my husband leaves on Monday (kids and I are staying longer so I’m just following your daily itinerary from there). Would you make any changes to this schedule? This is not our first trip so we are flexible as far as switching any dining arrangements I made already. Also thought about Early Morning Magic on Sunday the 12th, if that would make sense to switch to MK that day. We are staying at the Contemporary and as of now don’t have park hoppers (but could, maybe this is a better use of the Early Morning Magic funds?). Any input you have on any of this is most welcome. You and Josh are invaluable for my trip planning – even though I’m not a newbie to WDW travel it’s changing so much and so fast I need the help! Thank you so much!


    • Dave
      February 16, 2020

      Hi Debbie, first on EMM, unless you are a huge Seven Dwarfs Mine Train or Peter Pan fan, I don;t think it is worth the money.

      On park hoppers, much depends on your touring style–and the last time you were at WDW. Repeat visitors who have been recently often have the best vacations grazing the parks–e.g. doing rope drop at one park, and having their FastPass+ in a different park. If you have not been in a while, then a more traditional style without hoppers works fine. You can always add hoppers later once you decide you want them.

      Re the park days on the dates you’ve picked–in general they are fine! In your shoes I would swap HS and Epcot, doing HS Friday and Epcot Saturday, as I expect continuing crowding at HS for Galaxy’s Edge, particularly on weekends.


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