Families arriving March 2, 9 and 16 should be able to use the Autumn-Winter-Spring Itinerary without changes.
Families arriving the week before Easter should use the Summer Itinerary as their starting point, but note the following actual and possible changes:
- Multiple extra morning Extra Magic Hours are already on the books for this week, so some arrival times will have to be advanced by an hour.
- Changes in opening times to 8a are also common this week–which means that if a park changes opening to 8 and also has morning EMH, EMH will being at 7a.
Check in with Disney’s operating calendars starting in early March 2013 for such changes, and check now and then up until the night before you visit a park!
The Summer Itinerary with the above possible and actual changes likely will also work for the week beginning March 30, but double check here in late September 2012 to be sure…